Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Defining Multiple Topology Layers with the Bentley Cadastre Wizard

The Bentley Cadastre Wizard will allow the definition of multiple layers and persistent topology layer configuration in a single execution.

Proceed to define a layer in exactly the same manner as previous versions. When you get to the completion page you will now see a new Additional Layer option button:

Select the Additional Layer option and you will be redirected to the layer definition page:

Note that a different layer name has been automatically generated. This may not be desired, so a new layer name may be entered by the user. Subsequent feature pages have had their respective feature names changed, based on which layer name was input. These may also be changed as desired. Each layer name must be unique.

Following the node feature's definition, the user will now be presented a layer configuration page:

  • Layers or features may be deleted or renamed by right-clicking on selected nodes.
  • Features must be renamed as xyz_Collection format.
  • A layer's area, boundary, or node feature cannot be deleted.
  • A feature may be dragged from one layer to another to allow features to participate in more than a single layer.
  • A layer's area, boundary, or node feature is always copied to another layer, not moved.

When satisfied with the configuration, click Next. Then, define additional layers or Finish in the normal manner.